Saturday, March 2, 2013

Kitchen Tear-out - Phase 1

Left side of upper cabinets out, moving our way around the room
Starting later that evening, my husband Doug and I removed the upper cabinets in the main half of the kitchen, so that we could clear-the-way to remove the drop ceiling/soffits.  We're saving these cabinets for him to use in his basement kitchen at his office.  By the following Saturday (1/19) , we had all the upper cabinets out, as well as the range and side walls of base cabinets.  Doug lined up some extra help to help tear-out the soffit/drop ceiling, and put up new ceiling drywall.  Our friend Louie and Doug's son worked for most of the afternoon tearing out and loading the old materials into Doug's truck. 

Doug's son Zach tearing out the front of the soffit

Doug & Zach pulling down the soffit framing
The kitchen was already looking bigger with the soffits/ceiling removed!  But now we ran into a new 'snag'.  The wiring to the upper fixtures and wall outlets was strung through the soffits, but was too short in several places to lay it flat for the higher ceiling!

We had to call-in our electrician to pull a couple of electric wire lines up into the attic, put in a junction box and disconnect them coming down the side walls, so that we could put up the new higher ceiling drywall.

Ceiling drywall all up with wiring notched out and moved to attic boxes
Next, we've got to make more drywall mess and remove much of the walls, because of the old tile backsplash being firmly adhered to the side walls drywall...

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